There is a land called Skillum, a land full of mythical animals.  It is a beautiful place, with many colourful rivers flowing through it. There is also a fountain but instead of water, sparkles flow out. Here in this land lived a wizard named Sandsprout.

Long, long ago, there was a king in Skillum named Surya Prabha.  He was very kind and full of happiness.  He ruled Skillum wisely.  He was loved by everyone. He helped the poor, made houses for them, and planted trees to create forests where the mythical creatures lived happily.

 Far  away from Skillum, there is a place called Molclaim, where an evil man named Dron lived. His heart was as black  as coal.  He was always dirty and greedy.  He was a cruel man and was always angry.  He was the ugliest person in the world. He hated being happy! He was so horrible that nobody liked to go near him.

 As you know Skillum was a beautiful and happy place.  Dron couldn’t bear to see this and  wanted to take away this beauty and happiness.  One day he came to Skillum and started making everyone sad.  When Suryaprabha heard this he arrested him and put him in jail.  He sent him back to Molclaim after 4 or 5 years.  As he was leaving he shouted, “ Suryaprabha, I will come back and take revenge!”

For many years he planned and plotted. And as he planned and plotted his anger grew. He spied on Skillum and began studying it.  He realised that it was the fountain that was making everyone happy.  He wondered how he could stop the fountain from throwing out sparkles of happiness.

He came at night when there was nobody around. 

He thought, “ Yes, this is the time to block the fountain with the boulder!”  He muttered,  “Aabra Ka Daabra!” and a huge boulder flew out of nowhere and landed on the fountain.

When the people on Skillum got up in the morning and saw the fountain they rubbed their eyes in surprise.  They were shocked . They started to cry because the fountain no longer spewed out sparkles and they missed  their lovely sparkles of happiness.

When Sandsprout heard the cry of the other wizards he came running out.

 He asked, “What’s the matter?”

They replied, “Look at our beautiful fountain. It has stopped!”

“What!” he exclaimed, “How can the fountain stop?”

They soon started to talk among themselves. One of the wizards saw the boulder and asked, “Where did the boulder come from?” Another replied, “From the top of the mountain!”

 Sandsprout said, “ But how is that possible? There was no boulder on top of the mountain! It looks like someone has purposely placed the boulder on the fountain to block it!”

Immediately the other wizards cried out, “Who has done this?  How did he do it?  The boulder is heavy!”

“This has been done by magic!” Sandsprout exclaimed.

Suddenly an old wizard came and said, “There can be only one person who has done this and his name is Dron.” He went on, “Long, long ago when Surya Prabha was the king of Skillum  an evil  man named Dron came to Skillum. He wanted to take away all the happiness on Skillm. He started making everyone sad and we went and complained to the king. The king arrested him.  After keeping him in jail for 4 to 5 years, he was sent back to Molclaim. He vowed to take revenge.  And this boulder is his revenge.”

Sandsprout went to the fountain to see what he could do. The way was steep and rocky. Finally he reached the fountain and used his magic to remove the boulder and hurl it into space.  When he saw that everyone was happy again he went to the old wizard and ask him, “Where is Molclaim?”

“It’s on Mars”, the wizard replied.

“Okay,”  said Sandsprout, “Aabra Ka Daabra! Mars, here I come!”

When he landed on Mars he saw a robot coming towards him. The robot was going to step on him. He used his magical powers and knocked down the robot. Then he flung it in the sky  and dropped it down. “Crash!” The  robot was broken.

A little ahead he saw an ice lion.The Ice lion breathed ice over him and he froze. He used the heat of his body to magically melts the ice.

At last he met Dron. Dron used fire on Sandsprout.  Sandsprout used water on him.  They fought for 3 days. Finally Sandsprout used ice to freeze Dron. When Dron was frozen Sandsprout broke him into bits and scattered the bits everywhere. He returned to Skillum and told everyone what he had done.

They were happy the Dron would never trouble them again !

This is a story by one of my students, Saptrishi. He was in the fifth grade when he wrote this story. The picture for this post is from pixabay. It is by JL G from Pixabay

Categories: blog


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